How To Set Your Elementary-Aged Kids Up For School Success

As a parent you want your child to succeed in school, so you help with homework each night and make sure they are reading every day. Did you also know that there are non-academic things that you can do to help raise a successful student? Here are a few things that can set your elementary-aged kids up for academic success:

Make sure your kids visit the doctor for yearly check-ups.

Regular check-ups from a doctor can help diagnose any physical or emotional problems that a child may have. These problems, such as digestive issues or attention deficit disorder, can greatly affect the comfort level and overall well-being of your child. After all, if your child is usually suffering from a stomach ache after lunch, it's unlikely that he or she can concentrate on the math lesson being presented in the classroom.

During a yearly check-up, a doctor will assess physical, social, and emotional growth and give you an idea of where your children fits in amongst his or her peers. The doctor can also make sure your child is up-to-date on vaccines, as immunizations are some of the best preventive medicine that children can receive.

Even though it may not seem necessary, the truth is that outbreaks of dangerous contagious diseases do still happen, and getting your child vaccinated is the best way to prevent illness. To illustrate how diseases can make a comeback after years of being dormant, consider that during the first half of 2014 there were 10,000 cases of whooping cough reported, which was an increase of 24% over the previous year.

Keep your kids active.

Students who are more physically fit have been found to do better in school by showing greater attention, illustrating faster processing speeds, and performing better on standardized tests than children who are not as physically fit. It's generally recommended that kids participate in at least 60 minutes of physical play each day, which can include running, playing sports, dancing, or just moving around on the playground.

Since schools may be reducing recess and/or physical education time due to increased academic pressures, it's important that you set aside time for physical activity outside of school. If you can, head straight to a playground after school to help your kids burn off some energy, or you can sign your kids up for an organized sport or dance class. Family hikes and walks on the weekend are another great way to stay active as a family. Additionally, interactive video games now make it easier than ever to get moving while having fun. Video game consoles can detect motions from players while they play games such as tennis, dancing, and even slicing fruit through the air.

In addition to all the other things that you may do to help with school, having your kids visit the doctor regularly and encouraging your kids to stay physically fit are two great ways to boost academic success.
