Is Your Sadness Actually Dysthymia?

Dysthymia is a low-grade depression that can still have a seriously negative impact on your life. This condition is persistent, with patients often experiencing it for longer than two years. But it is usually untreated because it is seen as a normal condition. By identifying the symptoms of dysthymia, you will then be able to get yourself the appropriate treatment. In some cases, there might even be a thyroid problem that you can bring back your happiness.

Loss of Enjoyment

If you are suffering from dysthymia, you might feel grouchy, bored, or disinterested. You may have felt happy at one point, but this happiness eroded over time. Since it happened gradually, the lack of happiness became your new normal and the things that you once loved bring you no more enjoyment..


A common sign of dysthymia is having a difficult time getting up in the morning. You may not want to begin your day, but once you get started, you are able to push through it. If you lack energy, you might be depressed and this energy-deficiency can lead to poor decision-making. Bad decisions can lead to your work suffering, which can cause feelings of hopelessness. Also, you may struggle to maintain concentration, which can hurt productivity.


You might also feel very pessimistic and feel that this is simply a part of your personality. If you are single and lonely, you might feel that you wouldn't be able to find a happy relationship. If you see a job that you want, you may not believe that you are qualified. While these thoughts might seem normal to you, they are actually not accurate and are simply a sign of your dysthymia.

Related Health Problems

Ask yourself if you are facing the following problems: weight gain and insomnia.

These two conditions are physical manifestations of dysthymia. If the condition is left untreated, these symptoms can also contribute to and exacerbate your feelings of depression, creating a cycle that can be difficult to overcome.

Why You Need Treatment

Dysthymia should not be ignored because it can have the same negative effects as depression. Even if you believe you have all of the symptoms, you should still see a mental health counselor because it can be easy for laymen to misdiagnose the condition. But by having a general sense of the symptoms of the condition, you'll know whether to go in the first place. For assistance, talk to a professional like Lincoln Psychiatric Group.
