Little Known Facts About Residential Addiction Treatment

If you are considering getting help at a residential addiction treatment center, then you may have some preconceived notions about what to expect. After becoming educated about what's its really like in a treatment center, you may be pleasantly surprised. Here are some little known facts about residential addiction treatment centers that may surprise you.

You Can Still Work

Even though you may not be permitted to come an go as you please, you will still be allowed to communicate with your boss or employees. If you make prior arrangements with the treatment staff, you will be allowed to sit in on conference or video calls and check in with your office via telephone.

While most treatment centers may discourage use of cell phones because it can hinder recovery, you may be allowed to use it for work purposes. Many people fail to seek treatment for their addictions because they fear that their jobs might be in jeopardy if they take time off. The staff at residential treatment facilities understand this and will do everything they can to help ensure that you fulfill your responsibilities to your employer as much as possible.

Everyone's Treatment Plan Is Different

It is not uncommon for potential rehab clients to believe that everyone who enrolls in a residential addiction treatment facility receives the same treatment plan as everyone else. This is not the case, as the rehab staff works with you to develop a personalized plan of care based on your personal needs and choices. You will only participate in therapies that appeal to you, or those that the physician feels is medically or psychologically necessary for your well-being.

The treatment team will never pressure you to participate in a treatment option that you do not feel comfortable with, even if they believe that it would be in your best interests to do so. It is essential that clients feel safe and secure in a treatment environment, or they will not thrive.

It is also important to note, that while group therapy may be an integral component of an addiction treatment plan, you do not have to participate if you choose not to. Some people feel uncomfortable sharing unpleasant or traumatic life experiences with others, and doing so may further elevate their stress levels. While it is not mandatory to share your experiences with other clients during group therapy, it is essential that you engage in meaningful interactions with your counselor and addiction physician.

If you are considering a stay at a residential addiction treatment center, call the intake coordinator to learn more about the facility's protocol, financial requirements, length of stay, and living arrangements. When you have the knowledge, you will be better prepared to make an informed decision as to whether a residential treatment center is for you.
