Anomaly, Not Anatomy: The Real Reason for Mid-Pregnancy Ultrasounds

The mid-pregnancy ultrasound is an exciting time for pregnant women. Those who want to find out the sex of their baby can often find out during this scan, which might be carried out with a portable ultrasound machine by your doctor. If you're preparing for your ultrasound, you need to understand that finding out the sex isn't the purpose, it's just an added bonus. Here are some of the purposes for your mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Read More 

Three Reasons Why Your MRI System May Not Be Running

As an MRI technician, your job is to provide physicians who are ordering these diagnostic tests with the clearest images possible; however, like all equipment, MRI systems can experience technical problems. If you have a patient ready to have an MRI done and you've ensured that everything is properly set up, but the system just won't start up, or it isn't recording images, don't get all worked up thinking your job is on the line. Read More 

Dos and Don’ts of Dealing with a Frozen Shoulder

Are you starting to notice that one or both of your shoulders is getting stiff and painful? Have you visited your doctor, only to be told that it's not arthritis but is actually a frozen shoulder? Here are a list of things that you should know about living with this condition: Don't assume that pain is inevitable as you age You may be inclined to think that a frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a part of growing older and assume your only option is to live with your condition. Read More 

Chiropractic Care And Pregnancy: Three Benefits Of Prenatal Care

The human body is incredible. It heals, it grows, and it changes over time. During pregnancy, the female body undergoes some awe-inspiring chances as it prepares for the baby and childbirth. Although pregnancy is certainly exciting, it can be quite painful. Fortunately, there is a solution for many of the woes associated with pregnancy. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a great way to reduce pain during pregnancy—but it does more than relieve pain. Read More 

2 Important Things to Do for a Senior Parent with Dementia

When your parent is diagnosed with dementia, you might feel relieved knowing that there is a medical explanation for why he or she is acting differently than usual, but this may also require taking some steps to help your parent keep living at home. Hiring home care services is a great way to help your parent keep some independence for a while, but here are two additional things you may want to do to help your parent. Read More