Balsam of Peru is a resin produced by Myroxylon, a flowering tree that grows in Central and South America. This resin is used for a wide variety of applications, but for people who are allergic to it, this is a big problem. Here are four things parents need to know about Balsam of Peru allergies.
1. What is Balsam of Peru used for?
Balsam of Peru has many uses, so avoiding it can be difficult.
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Hearing is an important sense, but it can get impaired for a variety of reasons. If you are having trouble hearing out of one or both of your ears, you may want to go to the doctor to find out why. It could be due to a problem within your eardrums, or it could be a problem caused by an excessive amount of earwax in your ears. Having earwax is normal, but having too much wax inside your ears can prevent you from hearing properly.
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Physical therapy can be a great tool for those who have been injured, suffer from brain conditions, or other issues that limit mobility. It helps increase range of motion, recover or introduce skills, and increase the ability to enjoy physical activities. Many forms of physical therapy take place under the watchful eye of a physical therapist who is imperative in guiding training and recovery, but there are simple and fun things you can do at home to help move therapy along.
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Dysthymia is a low-grade depression that can still have a seriously negative impact on your life. This condition is persistent, with patients often experiencing it for longer than two years. But it is usually untreated because it is seen as a normal condition. By identifying the symptoms of dysthymia, you will then be able to get yourself the appropriate treatment. In some cases, there might even be a thyroid problem that you can bring back your happiness.
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When it comes to losing weight or slimming down those last few inches to reach your body goals, you may find yourself struggling a great deal. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, those last few inches or pounds just do not want to come off on their own. While exercise and a proper diet are of great importance when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight and body, you may need a little help with the finishing touches of your weight loss journey.
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