If your spouse took a new job a few months ago that requires a lot of traveling, your marriage might start experiencing some issues from being apart. Without good communication and a lot of effort, this type of situation could be devastating to a marriage. If you and your spouse are feeling the negative effects of this situation, you should probably find time to visit a relationship counselor for help. A relationship counselor might recommend taking the following steps to solve the issues you are having and build a better marriage in this type of situation.
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There are around 15 million people in the United States that suffer from some type of food allergy. When a parent finds out that their child might fit into this group – there is often concern. At the first indication of a food allergy, a provider will generally determine that the child needs to undergo an allergy test. Based on the results of this testing, a proper diagnosis can be formulated.
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If you and your physician have recently determined that the use of an electric wheelchair is the most appropriate choice to maintain your independence, you may have already noticed that it can be an expensive, albeit necessary, investment. Since the purchase of an electric wheelchair, which may also be known as a powerchair, is often a one-time occurrence, it is a good idea to be sure that the item you ultimately select is the right one for your existing and future needs.
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You want to work in the medical field. Great! You've got plenty of options. One of these is taking a CNA training program. What does that mean? CNA's are certified nursing assistants. They provide basic medical care to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities. In most areas, you'll need to complete a state-approved program before you start caring for patients. These are typically short-length courses, meaning that you won't need to stay in school for months or semesters before you start working.
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If your child has been diagnosed with lazy eye, you may have a slew of questions for the eye doctor. You probably want to know what lazy eye actually is, what caused your child to develop the condition, and how to correct it. The medical term for lazy eye is amblyopia, a condition that most commonly occurs in one eye, affecting 2-3 percent of children in the United States.
What Lazy Eye Is and Why It Should Be a Concern?
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