If you've suffered injuries at the hands of a medical professional and you've filed a medical malpractice lawsuit, you're going to need an expert witness. You may have witnesses lined up who can testify about how your injuries have affected you, but they won't be able to provide the information that an expert witness will have available at their disposal. In fact, your medical malpractice lawsuit may hinge on whether or not you have an expert witness on your legal team.
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Going to therapy can be so helpful for many reasons. There are so many people who walk away from counseling feeling stronger, more confident, and at peace with themselves and their past. If you have never been to individual therapy, you might be wondering what to expect with it. Here are some things that you might work on in therapy.
1. Accepting Your Past
There are too many people who hold onto negative memories from their past.
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As a parent, you probably feel a massive responsibility to care for your child's health. There are so many different illnesses that can befall a small child that a parent must always be on the lookout for problems. The croup is a common childhood illness, and if treated correctly, it can resolve quickly and without lasting problems. But croup can become serious if left unchecked. Here are some things you should know about the croup.
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If you have recently lost an eye or are going to have a damaged eye removed in the near future, you may be wondering about prosthetic eyes. Often referred to as a glass eye, these artificial eyes are designed to give you the appearance of having both eyes. If you would like more information regarding prosthetic eyes, check out these three frequently asked questions, so you can distinguish fact from fiction.
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If you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you need to start exercising. You might think that since you already have osteoporosis it's too late for the exercise. However, that's not true. Even if you've never exercised a day in your life, starting an exercise routine right now will help improve your symptoms of osteoporosis, strengthen your bones, and bring mobility back into your life. That doesn't mean you need to start in on a high-impact exercise routine.
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